Careers on the Road: How to Make Money Traveling

Careers on the Road: How to Make Money Traveling

Has it been too long since your last big adventure? Turn your passion for travel into a full-time career! Discover how to make money traveling.

Imagine what life would be like if you never had to go into the office. This freedom is a reality for many working remote jobs and running businesses.

Your first step to this lifestyle freedom is learning how to make money traveling.

In this article, you’ll learn a variety of ways to travel and make money but that’s not all. You’ll also learn how to create sustainable income so you never have to return to the office after a holiday!

Testing the Prospect of How to Make Money Traveling

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet…

…telling your boss you’re over it and heading off isn’t exactly ideal.

You should consider ways to test how well you could make money traveling:

  • Pick up gig work and learn how well you deal with the extra workload
  • Ask if you could do remote work and do so during a weekend getaway
  • Take a holiday but use it to work on a business while traversing the countryside

The point is to see whether this is something you enjoy and can handle. A lot of people realize it’s difficult to work when there are so many amazingly fun things to do when traveling. So, see how you feel before fully plunging into learning how to travel and make money.

The Best Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Do you feel comfortable traveling and working? Great! Now let’s get into some of the ways travel and make money. And, how to do this without being cooped up in a hotel room, working, and calling it a “lifestyle business”.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is where you promote other people’s products for a commission. This is fantastic if you have a website, blog, or strong following on social media. You simply sign up for an affiliate program, get your unique link, and then share it.

Check out:

  • Amazon Associates
  • Clickbank or CJ Affiliate
  • ShareASale

Start by promoting products you use since they’re easy to talk about and recommend. Then explore products that interest you. Carve out a niche and build a brand around your expert insights. Create reviews and tutorials to promote these products.

You’ll earn money when people buy the item when using your link. This is an amazing way to have a passive income when traveling!

  1. Consult

Let’s assume you’re really great at the job you do now…

…so why not use that as a springboard into a consulting business?

Consulting is one of the easiest ways to break into a freelance business. After all, you understand the topics and concepts. All you need to do is package and pitch the knowledge to those who need it.

It’s easy getting started:

  1. Create and get business cards for your new business
  2. Set up a website and populate it with content
  3. Reach out to your business network and pitch potential clients

Landing a few clients could pay for your travels. The best part? You’ll do the consulting using video conferencing apps! This means you’re always dictating the time.

  1. Gig Work

Gig work lets you earn basically anywhere around the World. Combine gig with slow travel and you could cover lodging and food each day with a few hours of work.

Check out:

  • Lyft
  • DoorDash
  • Fiverr

There are tons of these gig apps. You’ll find broad marketplaces to do microwork tasks. You could run errands, walk dogs, house-sit, and more. You’ll have plenty of time to squeeze in work when most of your day is spent traveling!

Say Goodbye to the 9 to 5 Grind

It’s hard to go back to the office once you get that taste for travel. It’s almost impossible to go back once you’ve learned how to make money traveling, too!

Now you just need to put everything in motion.

Itching to get out there, explore the world, and make money doing it? Want more tips and tricks for making it happen? Get inspired by the travel stories and guides on our site!


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